Common Toilet Problems

Common Toilet Problems

Toilet flushing problems are a common challenge for most homeowners

Some of which result due to our faults while others occur due to problems with the plumbing or the minerals contained in the water we use for the flushing. While several causes may make you experience a flushing problem, some are common to most homeowners and below is a summary of the leading five.

So, if you are wondering why your toilet won’t flush, take some time and read through the coverage below and discover some of the potential reasons and how to rectify them.

Clogged Toilet

A blockage is a potential reason why your toilet won’t flush. Several issues can make your toilet clog, the primary of which are flushing baby wipes or foreign objects, trying to flush too much tissue paper, slow-moving septic systems, hard water problems or even collapsing pipes.

To remove the blockage of your toilet, you can make use of a drain opening chemical which is meant to soften stuff that is causing the blockage. All you need to do is pour this liquid into your toilet’s bowl and leave it to rest for at least fifteen minutes. You will note that the water level will move down meaning that whatever was causing the clog is moving. If the water levels remain the same, make use of a toilet plunger or toilet auger. Thrust a plunger into the toilet opening so as to displace the blocking item. On the other hand, you can use the auger to push the waste through thereby allowing your toilet to flush.

A low water level in the toilet’s tank

Low water level in the tank of your toilet decreases the ability of it to clean efficiently. The water level in your tank should always be the one prescribed by the manufacturers. You will always find a mark inside the tank that should guide you on the amount of water that this tank should have and in most situations, the mark is usually one inch below the top of your tank’s overflow tube. If you note that the water level is below the required, check to ensure that no adjustments had been made to the water valve so as to decrease the amount of water that flows into your tank. If the water flap was off, turn it on and ensure that the water gets to the recommended level.

Flapper Problems

Another issue likely to affect your toilet’s flushing ability is the flapper. A curved or warped flapper are some of the common problems that you are likely to face, which may affect your toilets flushing. Therefore, check on the rubber seal that covers the bottom of your toilet’s tanks to ensure that it isn’t deformed. A flapper is important when it comes to flushing as this is what that enables all the water to pour into your toilet bowl once the chain attached to it lifts it up. This rubber seal also prevents water from escaping from your tank while the toilet isn’t in a flushing mode. Therefore, when you have a problem with your toilet’s flushing check your rubber seal to ensure that it isn’t cracked. If the problem lies on the rubber seal, drain all the water in the tank and replace it with a new one.

Poorly functioning lift chain

The flapper chain can also be the one that makes your toilet not to flush appropriately. If it is not in its right place, or if it happens to be loose, it affects the ability of your toilet to flush. Therefore, check the flapper chain to ensure that it is of appropriate length. Plumbers will ensure a professional repair is carried out. If not, make sure that you adjust it appropriately so that it can raise the flapper properly to allow all water to pour off your toilet’s tank.

Blocked inlet holes

The holes located directly under the lip of your bowl can be the cause of a poorly flushing toilet. If a clog exists in them, the ability of water to pass through them once you flush your toilet declines. The best way to tell that the problem lies in these holes is by checking to see if water streams from the sides of the bowls when you flush. If not, this should signal that the problem lies in these holes. To diagnose the problem, heat up some white vinegar and use a funnel to pour the liquid through the overflow tube. Allow this liquid to rest there for an hour or so without flushing the toilet. Note that hard water can also be the source of clogging. So, invest in a water softener system to ensure that no hard water flushes through your toilet’s system.

Suffering From A Problem With Your Toilet?

The reasons covered above are just but the main issues that may make your toilet not to flush. Therefore, make sure that you inspect your toilet thoroughly and if the problem lies with the issues summarised above, use the recommendations given to resolve your toilet problem. When you note persistence in your flushing problem, make sure that you contact a professional plumber in your locality who can help you solve it.